Casa del Whopper

After my uncomfortable shopping excursion to get a sport coat, I stopped at the Burger King down the road to pick up a nutritious balanced meal for lunch.  One would think shopping at the ‘big and tall’ shop should have prompted me to find something healthier. 😦  I wait on line – get up to the counter – order my food.  As I go to pay, the cashier (the girl couldn’t have been more than twenty) asks me “Did you just get your nails done?”  I tell her that I had them done last week and she replies “Wow, they look really nice!”  I smile somewhat awkwardly and thank her before moving down so she can take the next customer.

I’ve written in some detail about my nails (Little Things), about what I used to feel were somewhat surreal discussions I have with women about makeup (Girl Talk and Girl Talk Redux are good examples), and how as of late these discussions have become just part of my ‘normal’ interaction.

I mention these because I cannot help but feel some change has / is happening.  I know that when I have these exchanges (especially at work) I’m not being read as a ‘woman’, and yet there is nothing uneasy about them.  A friend at work shares her online shirt shopping, another shows me pics of her shopping for her wedding dress (which is beautiful btw), and another chats about some jewelry she found at a great price.  I could go on…

Friends at work know me (even if we haven’t specifically discussed the whole trans thing) and are comfortable with me so I can see where this would happen more readily.  But it’s the random strangers…  I suppose women will notice / compliment another woman on something and I get that.  I guess I am still adjusting to the fact that I somehow drift into that space now and then.  Maybe part of it is cultural (it’s been younger women who have complimented me) and there is a greater acceptance for gender variance…   I’m not really sure.

Whatever it is, I’m happy for the opportunities to spend some time chatting on the other side of the room. 🙂

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